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Everything posted by drbones2nd

  1. Not sure I really need to purchase a complete 1928 parts kit since most of that stuff will never be used so I was wondering from fellow shooters. What spare parts do you reccomend having on hand? Bolt, extractors?? Curious.
  2. Bob, you made good points. Many years ago i purchased a complete kit from a guy for my old colt 1921 and it worked beautifully. Only paid $250 for the conversion kit. Was hoping something like that still existed for around $350.00. Paying $450 for just an actuator then anothef $150 for spring and buffer, gets a little pricey especially since its going in a 1928 savage, not a colt. It would seem that Dougs is the only game in town and will have to pony up for one if i want the higher rate of fire.
  3. I could use it too. Please shoot me an email. drbones2nd@gmail.com Thanks!!
  4. I guess so. The knob is more likely to shear off. I am not an expert.
  5. Lol. Just relaying what he told me. More for display than actual use since they are cast and not milled.
  6. Thanks TD. Just ordered one from that website you suggested. Exactly what I was looking for.
  7. $140 for what kind of drum? Just want one that works and require being sent out to Mel for a work over.
  8. He did not say. Generally runs a bunch together once per year and i missed the boat on the last batch.
  9. Been out of the thompson loop for a while but ended up buying another 1928 savage. Already have one bridgeport drum for it but wouldnt mind picking up another 50 rounder or even a 100 rounder for some giggles. If memory serves me, there were some reproduction crosby drums out of Asia that worked well? If so, where do you get them? Any and all information is of course appreciated. Thanks,
  10. Purchased the reproduction pilot buffer and spring set from Jerry Prasser. Unfortunately, the actuators sold by Keystone arms are casted and the owner did not reccomend its use for practical shooting. So, only thing I will need now is a good aftermarket machined actuator and so far, Doug Richardsons is about the only game in town. Really hate dropping $450.00 for one. Might just wait til PK makes another run of milled down 1928 actuators. Thanks for your help.
  11. It appears keystone has actuators in stock. What else what i need for the conversion? Dont i need a 21 spring and buffer? Was hoping to find a complete drop in kit.
  12. Unfortunately, PK is not making for a long while. Really was hoping to find a complete kit for around $200-300. Not really interested in it being a perfect colt copy since its going into a savage 1928. Just prefer the higher rate of fire.
  13. Bugsy, Sorry the deal fell thru on the 1928 thompson. Mr. Landies said you had some issues getting a cleo signature. However, I ended up purchasing this Savage 1928 and just got it in today. Ohio Ordnance refinished the gun and all in all, its a nice looking thompson and will make a great shooter. I paid $16,500 for it and figured that was a decent price since it included a WW2 drum and some mags and parts. Considering West Hurleys are selling around 13-14k, I just figured for a couple more thousand, this would be a bit nicer gun. I was in the market for a nice shooter grade thompson in nice overall shape and this one fits the bill nicely. Ohio Ordnance went over it with a fine toothed comb and replaced anything that needed replacing. If your in Michigan, your welcome to come out and put some rounds thru it. For future NFA purchases, you may consider going the trust route like so many others are doing to avoid dealing with your local LEO office.
  14. I am getting a savage 1928 thompson but want to intstall the 1921 spring, buffer and actuator for the higher rate of fire. If memory serves me, someone was making some of these kits? Any info would be appeciated. Thanks, JD
  15. It seems I got the thompson bug once again so I have begun my quest to obtain a 1928. Not interested in West Hurley guns or rewelds. Just a nice looking shooter grade quality. If you have one or know of anyone looking to sell one, shoot me an email. Been checking subguns, gunbroker and the sturm board already. Thanks, JD dorais (remvoe this)@chartermi.net
  16. You're not a car salesman by chance are ya! Excuse me while I go grab my "high" boots.... LOL
  17. I must whole heartidly disagree. With basic instruction on how to lean into a full auto weapon, they are very accurate as you will see in this video. This is my bulgarian krink 7.62x39, 75 round drum and as you can see I can put the rounds pretty much where I please at 100 yards. No muzzle rise and can easily keep the rounds horizontal. It is all about proper stance which can be taught to just about anyone in a matter of minutes. http://youtu.be/Z7CZuABXpGM Does that include all the ones you bounced off the ground 20 feet in front of the target... My Bunny Ad! http://i128.photobucket.com/albums/p178/z3bigdaddy/Movies/th_Bunny.jpg Absolutely!! Was intentionally hitting the dirt. Hard to see in the video, but the dirt flying up is pretty cool and was much more of a reactive target than a car. Love the video and a good example on how not to stand while doing a dump...lol...Anyhow, very funny video.
  18. I don't know about that. I've had pretty good luck hitting stuff with my machineguns. When you get to the M14 and AR10 in FA it's a little rough but still I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of my shooting ;-) Well: I guess one could stand inside a barn with the doors closed, do a mag dump with a sub gun and subsequentially claim 100% hits(on the barn that is). I guess It's all a matter of perspective. BTW: I was at the Big Sandy shoot in Western Arizona earlier this year. One of the things the promoters do is fly a model plane down the firing line and let dozens of machine gun owners simultaneously have at it. This plane was being shot at with everything from Thompsons,MP5s up to tripod mounted guns. I suspect one of the safest places at this shoot would have been sitting in that plane had that been possible. Jim It is very hard to hit one of those RC controlled planes with any type weapon, even a sporting clays guy. That example is not quite applicable really, go to the creek and try the jungle walk. The only guns I would even consider being somewhat difficult to control on full auto is the M14, G3 and the FN/FAL. These guns are much better served being a semi auto gun and are quite a handful to shoot controllable on full auto fire. It is actually pretty easy to put a full mag dump of an M16 on full auto into a human sized sillouette at 100 yards and keep every round on target. In fact, another spray and pray myth supporter challenged me to just that and lost. I not only did it with my M16, but also a full sized AK47, MP5, uzi and a M3 grease gun. Its not hard if you learn how to keep your weight on your forward leg. Hell, even my wife can put majority of rounds on target at 100 yards with any of my subguns. I respect peoples opinions, but very happy to disprove the spray and pray myths you typically hear from guys that have never owned a full auto or have shot one. I see full auto weapons being used on almost a daily basis by ALL types of people. In the hands of most they would be better off shooting them in semi-auto only. This is most certainly NOT A MYTH when you consider the average person. We will just agree to disagree then. Back in the day when we were doing machine gun rentals, after some very simple instructions, you could have the average person nailing propane tanks at 80-100 yards, burst and mag dumps. Again, just handing someone a machine gun and letting her rip is foolish and uncontrollable, but after some simple instructions on how to manage the recoil with weight forward, most of our renters handled the subguns with ease. Anyhow, you have a right to your opinion. Just presenting my experiences with many folks that have shot with me.
  19. I don't know about that. I've had pretty good luck hitting stuff with my machineguns. When you get to the M14 and AR10 in FA it's a little rough but still I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of my shooting ;-) Well: I guess one could stand inside a barn with the doors closed, do a mag dump with a sub gun and subsequentially claim 100% hits(on the barn that is). I guess It's all a matter of perspective. BTW: I was at the Big Sandy shoot in Western Arizona earlier this year. One of the things the promoters do is fly a model plane down the firing line and let dozens of machine gun owners simultaneously have at it. This plane was being shot at with everything from Thompsons,MP5s up to tripod mounted guns. I suspect one of the safest places at this shoot would have been sitting in that plane had that been possible. Jim It is very hard to hit one of those RC controlled planes with any type weapon, even a sporting clays guy. That example is not quite applicable really, go to the creek and try the jungle walk. The only guns I would even consider being somewhat difficult to control on full auto is the M14, G3 and the FN/FAL. These guns are much better served being a semi auto gun and are quite a handful to shoot controllable on full auto fire. It is actually pretty easy to put a full mag dump of an M16 on full auto into a human sized sillouette at 100 yards and keep every round on target. In fact, another spray and pray myth supporter challenged me to just that and lost. I not only did it with my M16, but also a full sized AK47, MP5, uzi and a M3 grease gun. Its not hard if you learn how to keep your weight on your forward leg. Hell, even my wife can put majority of rounds on target at 100 yards with any of my subguns. I respect peoples opinions, but very happy to disprove the spray and pray myths you typically hear from guys that have never owned a full auto or have shot one.
  20. Just because a gun is amnesty registered, does not make it automatically a C&R. What is important is the date for which the gun was actually made into an M2 carbine. That is what you would have to have documentation to support. I have a winchester M2 carbine that was manufactured in the late fourtys, but was converted sometime later. It was registered in the amnesty but still is not a C&R gun. However, in just a few years it will be since we are approaching the fifty year mark from 1968.
  21. I must whole heartidly disagree. With basic instruction on how to lean into a full auto weapon, they are very accurate as you will see in this video. This is my bulgarian krink 7.62x39, 75 round drum and as you can see I can put the rounds pretty much where I please at 100 yards. No muzzle rise and can easily keep the rounds horizontal. It is all about proper stance which can be taught to just about anyone in a matter of minutes. http://youtu.be/Z7CZuABXpGM
  22. The owner new it was low when he acquired it but did not realize until a couple years ago that it was the first in serial numbers but was planning on passing it on to his son when he passed away. His son was not at all interested so this is what prompted him to sell it now. . He scrapped out the original sight back in the late fifties after returning home from Korea. In his words, he said it was in sad shape and thought it would be much better to just put on a new rear sight..lol...sob sob... Remember, this was 40 plus years ago, and having a low serial number receiver thompson did not mean much.. No, I will not be attending this falls knob creek because it always falls on my anniversary weekend and though my wife enjoys shooting with me, should prefers a romantic get away some where. FWIW. The gun is now considered sold and I will let the new owner decide whether or not he wishes to make this public knowledge or not. Thanks for all of the posts and input.
  23. The owner new it was low when he acquired it but did not realize until a couple years ago that it was the first in serial numbers but was planning on passing it on to his son when he passed away. His son was not at all interested so this is what prompted him to sell it now. . He scrapped out the original sight back in the late fifties after returning home from Korea. In his words, he said it was in sad shape and thought it would be much better to just put on a new rear sight..lol...sob sob... Remember, this was 40 plus years ago, and having a low serial number receiver thompson did not mean much.. No, I will not be attending this falls knob creek because it always falls on my anniversary weekend and though my wife enjoys shooting with me, should prefers a romantic get away some where.
  24. I doubt we will ever know 100% the complete story behind this receiver and will always be some allure of mystery. All we can do in this situation, is way in the evidence at hand and try to theorize how it came to be. As I stated in a previous post, we have a generous standing offer by Mr. Hill so do not be suprised if it ends up in his reference collection afterall.
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