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Deciding On Reloading. Advice?

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I have been loading on a Dillon 550 since 1986 and have found the product and the company to be top notch. The primary tools a reloader needs to successfully load quality ammunition is: basic loading knowledge (purchase a good reloading manual), patience, & time to concentrate on the task. Focus on the task with no interruptions. No radio, television, nagging wife, etc. Auto indexing is fine but I prefer to maintain control over every phase of the process including indexing. Just my preference. Pay attention and you'll be successful.


I chose Dillon products because Mike Dillon used to print a Dillon's Customers Bill of Rights, which included a segment where he promised never to do business with any company that was ani-gun, even if that meant he had to buy material at a higher price. I liked that committmnet enough to buy his product and I have never been sorry. He is also a huge Second-Admenment suppporter and, as we all know, a machine gunner.


And he was available, not just a figure head. A few years ago, I called the Dillon main number to ask a question. The employee who answered didn't have an answer and I was put on hold. In a few moments a man picked up and introduced himself as Mike Dillon. He had the answer. I appreciate that he made himself available to a customer for a question. I thought he would have more important things to do, but he thought that helping a customer was the most important thing to do. Try that at ATT, Exxon, or the White House. Heck, give it a try at your childs school. I like his old school way of doing business.


And Dillion has a lifetime warranty on any item he sells. Not the lifetime of your ownership but the lifetime of the product. It doesn't matter how many people have owned the product before you bought it or how old it is! His warranty is truly LIFETIME. And no I don't work for Dillon. I wish I did but I am a very satisfied customer.


Most press manufacturers make quality products but I chose Dillon because he supports me as a shooter.


Whatever you choose to do, you'll be fine.




Oh, and on a side note, during our conversation he asked for what type gun I was loading. When I told him a 1928A1 Thompson he began to tell me about loading for his various Thompsons. He said he rarely shoots jacketed bullets in his Thompsons, and has fired so many lead bullets on occassion that the compensator slots would fill with lead deposits, and he would clean them by punching the lead from the compensator slots with a screwdriver. Wow...shooting till the compensator slots fill with lead. It must be nice.




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I`ve kept 2 XL650s cranking out ammo for 15+ yrs and the only items that break are usually due to operator error.As stated previously,Dillion`s customer service is tops....9mm,45acp,.38,30.06,.223,444,etc...XL650s can do almost all calibers...if you have preloaded primer tubes you can punch out 500-600 rounds an hour easily..as long as your arm can hold out....and if you cast your own the cost really plummets...and remember you will never wear out a barrel shooting lead.... :rolleyes:
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