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  1. Did someone say there was a mortar? Anyone know what it went for?
  2. May have to file a paper form 4 so you can add the c&r ffl number?
  3. Thanks. It's my favorite at the moment, only because I have shot the mortar yet haha. It always seems like my latest build is my favorite. My M203 with standalone stock definitely doesn't get old. I'll probably be enjoying that for a long time
  4. I just rewelded a postie last week. Still working out a few little kinks but it sure is fun. Best $150 I ever spent
  5. Yeah you'll want to drill them out to at least 1/4 inch. Pretty simple to do with a hand drill. You can go slightly larger but it's not needed. I have seen the aluminum cases damaged from shooting them with full power, burst disk blanks.
  6. Yes I definitely tell everyone to drill out the aluminum shells vent holes. Some people have had them blow out as well. I tried it once in my lightweight break action LMT and thought I dislocated my shoulder haha. I only use them with crimped low power blanks for less lethal projectiles unless they are drilled out to m212 spec
  7. Props on keeping up with this thread and all the info. I really need to get some of those green aluminum cases as they look so cool! Just had to justify when I'm sitting on boxes of m212 nylon cases
  8. Azao Inc sells ammo that can be shot out of these. Eastern European practice rounds have been imported but the seller only sells them as DDs, even though they aren't.
  9. From what I understand, these LAWs were converted to take some sort of reloadabke ammo. Possibly an RPG-2 style round. Either way I'd avoid them as I am pretty certain they are TXMGO re-activations that are less than quality welds and they have been proven to lie about hoe they reactivate stuff
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