If you do plan to go to Vegas, you might want to consider scheduling it on the weekend of the Big Sandy MG shoot in Arizona. The range is about 2 1/2 hours away. It's the biggest full auto shoot in the country and you would not be dissapoinnted in the scope and variety of weapons there.
That's an interesting project you propose. Deerslayer would be my go-to guy for a build like this. He's worked with me on a couple of Monitor projects and he's top-flight. I wish OOW still offered the semi-auto receiver kits. Those worked great for these kinds of projects.
I have asked on a couple of occasions if anyone has seen or shot a F/A '07 and received no response. Sandy and his historian colleague Sheriff Ernie were researching the topic of the original Lebman conversions at the time of their passing.
As I recall, from the external examination I could make of the Tucson gun through the glass, there was no evidence of a selector switch or any external modification to the trigger group. Sandy crafted a very credible semi-auto example of the well worn Tucson gun using the Bull Creek parts available at the time.
Pre-pandemic, the Tucson '07 was on public display in the downtown lobby of the Tucson PD, along with a couple of Thompsons from the gang. Access to the lobby was restricted, but allowed for the stated reason of viewing of the arms collection. I do not know if this is the current situation.
FWIW, Colt R-75/Monitor pistol grip housings use the same diameter and pitch screws as 1911 grip screws (the bushings they thread into are slightly longer).
These 2 books are pretty much all that's out there on the '07. I am fortunate enough to have both and they are a valuable investment. Mr. Speckin deserves thanks for his efforts!