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Farenheit 9/11 Gets Help From Hezbollah

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If anyone had any doubts about Michael Moore's integrity, I think this article will clear it up. http://www.machinegunbooks.com/forums/invboard1_1_2/upload/html/emoticons/ph34r.gif http://www.machinegunbooks.com/forums/invboard1_1_2/upload/html/emoticons/cool.gif Also, don't forget to check the link in the article: www.moorelies.com http://www.machinegunbooks.com/forums/invboard1_1_2/upload/html/emoticons/blink.gif http://www.machinegunbooks.com/forums/invboard1_1_2/upload/html/emoticons/mad.gif Regards, Walter


P.S. Here is the link: http://film.guardian.co.uk/news/story/0,12...1240819,00.html


P.P.S. Here is the link to the article and trailers of Michael Wilson's new movie (an antidote to Moore's liberalism-coming out this Summer), Michael Moore Hates America: http://www.moorelies.com/news/archives/dis...y.cfm?newsID=87 You must go to the bottom of the page to click on the links for the trailers.

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This time I will refrain from pouring gasoline on the fire, I'll just lean back and watch democracy at work.


"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." Voltaire, 1694-1778







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I've seen "Bowling..", but don't recall any reference to Thompsons. Did I miss it? If it didn't include such, then shouldn't this thread be under the "Non-related Topics" forum (where it's easier to ignore)?


Just trying to keep things accurate. The way I like my marksmanship.


Balder, as for watching democracy at work, watch how much revenue "Fahrenheit" generates. People vote with their dollars.


And Balder, I agree 100% with your quote from Voltaire (at the risk of sounding like some liberal Francophile). Wouldn't be much of a "Land of the Free" if we all had to think the same.


Once again, what's this got to do with Thompsons?




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Hurridale, it is gun-related (Second Amendment) and military-related. http://www.machinegunbooks.com/forums/invboard1_1_2/upload/html/emoticons/smile.gif I posted this here precisely because it would get more exposure, than in the non-related category. Many others have posted Second Amendment and general interest gun-related articles here in the past. I hope I have not offended anyone. http://www.machinegunbooks.com/forums/invboard1_1_2/upload/html/emoticons/unsure.gif http://www.machinegunbooks.com/forums/invboard1_1_2/upload/html/emoticons/blink.gif Some people are so touchy nowadays. http://www.machinegunbooks.com/forums/invboard1_1_2/upload/html/emoticons/cool.gif Best Regards, Walter
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No offence taken. It was my impression that this board was set up with a selection of sub-boards, one of which is (cut and pasted here), "NON - Related Topics Politcal - Laws - Rants - Jokes - Whatever. "


Sounded to me that this thread fit at least one of the above descriptions, which is why I suggested the move.


Again, regards,


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Hey, lets just keep this a fun and interesting place to hang out, with those who share similar interests (Thompsons, firearms, shooting, Second Amendment rights, etc). http://www.machinegunbooks.com/forums/invboard1_1_2/upload/html/emoticons/tongue.gif I hope there is some room for a little flexibilty. http://www.machinegunbooks.com/forums/invboard1_1_2/upload/html/emoticons/blink.gif Lets have fun guys! Life is too short to spend in a straight-jacket. http://www.machinegunbooks.com/forums/invboard1_1_2/upload/html/emoticons/laugh.gif Regards, Walter
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We won't have our Thompsons to talk about if we don't keep this kind of discussion front and center where it catches the most attention and provokes the greater response. I hate bumper stickers on cars, but I've got my life member NRA sticker on my windshield along with an NRA tag frame on my tag. I wear an NRA pin to work just to promote discussion with anybody willing to lend an ear. We've got to fly our flag if we expect to win the war.
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Thanks Phil! http://www.machinegunbooks.com/forums/invboard1_1_2/upload/html/emoticons/tongue.gif http://www.machinegunbooks.com/forums/invboard1_1_2/upload/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif
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Do you want to keep your Thompson???? Then it is freakin relevent! I guess we could wait until they are actually at your doorstep asking for your Thompson, then it would be relevent, and we could post here with out grief.....


Time to Vote again click on old glory...

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