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11 Thompsons to be Auctioned at Morphys Dec 6-8

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Doug now that is a down to earth honest post.Now if i could get dibs on all the colts i sold for $5g that would be great.lol.I have been at it just too long.need the youngbloods to take over anybody now over 50.  5 to 10 years in money back you may be right. in 20 or 30 some will be around that long.another gen or 2 will be gone.that might be the hard road for some.

my byline when i first joined in the forum was" IN the future only the rich will own Thompsons"

that is one thing i did getpost-504-0-44928700-1605653928_thumb.jpg right.i ended up with that$ 900 buck Thompson from Mike from this we became good friends for 20 years.

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