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Waffenmeister actuator wear

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Put one in my WH and pulled everything apart after a few hundred (?) rounds and noticed some wear.


Is this typical for the actuator to wear here?




Should it have that much wear from the hammer?


I'm occasionally getting a light strike on a almost completely closed bolt could this be the cause?


Bolt is savage and lock is AOC.




Edited by Jeremy
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That doesn’t appear right.  Compare to a well used any original actuator WWII or earlier.  Doubt one would see comparable marks or wear. 

A long time ago I bought a new reproduction 1921 actuator from someone in CO, IIRC about 2006.  Never made notes of who made it.  With just a few rounds cycling through I noticed marks on the actuator, but not in the same area as you have, nor strikes like that.  This one had very authentic knurling, think of the width of knurling on early Colt actuators.  I happened to be at a shoot with Gordon Herigstad, we looked at it and filed away enough material to make sure it was not striking the receiver.  This was NOT one of Doug Richardsons actuators.  I shot thousands of rounds with that, it finally broke an ear about 4 or 5 years ago, I was pissed!  

No comparable reproduction 1921 reproduction actuator that I have found other than having a knurled 1928 one milled down.  The difference being primarily the look and band width of the knurling being different.  

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That looks a lot like a WH actuator.  The impact marks are similar to those on my former WH 28's actuator. It is clearly a casting not a machined forging.  Don't expect much out of it.  FWIW my WH actuator cracked through the Blish slot and locked the gun up.  It ended life as a paperweight.

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I am wondering if the issue may be the West Hurley Thompson submachine gun and not the Waffenmeister actuator. Unless your West Hurley has been remanufactured by PK., it was most likely not originally manufactured within USGI specifications even if it currently runs without any problems. I don't profess to know the answer, but it is something to consider. What I would like to see is someone run a Waffenmeister actuator in a Colt, Savage or Auto-Ordnance Bridgeport Thompson and see if these wear markings appear after several hundred rounds. 

Thank you for sharing. I suspect there are a lot of Waffenmeister actuators in use given their price. Hopefully, other forum members will join in. 

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Sorry don't have any original ones to compare the wear to.



This is a waffenmeister actuator...I have the receipt.  :)


not sure it's the receiver as from everything I see the actuator rides in the bolt.   All of these wear marks are from the bolt hitting the actuator.  


Seeing as I have impact marks from the hammer on the front of it I'm guessing that's part of my lite strike issues as well.


Looks like I have some tweaking to do ...

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Ok...more info.


Got a savage actuator and compared it to my original WH and the Waffenmeister.


The WH has been ground quite a bit to obviously clear the hammer and inner bolt areas.


The Waffenmeister is close to the USGI in contour but it's still a little proud if you compare.


Off to the grinder tomorrow to match the USGI contour.




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