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ghostsoldier last won the day on April 28 2020

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About ghostsoldier

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    NE Florida
  • Interests
    WW2 history, gangsters, Public Enemies and G-Men history

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  1. Sandy would be happy. https://www.chicagotribune.com/suburbs/post-tribune/ct-ptb-crown-point-dillinger-st-0404-20210404-tafoogfkxfbgxbbcbnyhu7wnvu-story.html
  2. Although I used a borrowed barrel wrench to change mine, I've seen it done with penetrating oil, an old leather belt to protect the barrel, a bench vise to chuck the receiver nose into, and an adjustable pipe wrench to turn out the barrel. Rob
  3. I'm of the opinion that she taped it to her leg for the times that she wasn't in a car with all those weapons, as 'back-up insurance' for the lifestyle she had chosen. She used the same tactic to smuggle the stolen gun to Clyde in 1930 for his escape from the McLennan County jail in Waco. Rob
  4. I've always liked the 1902 Colt .38 that was discovered on Bonnie's corpse by mortician Charles Bailey of Arcadia. https://www.guns.com/news/2014/01/08/infamous-outlaw-bonnie-parkers-colt-1902-auction Rob
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