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Sten Barrels

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APEX has new US manufacture STEN barrels.
I am currently awaiting restock of the Mark 2's.




Mark 3 barrels will be found in the STEN Mark 3 category (above)

These barrels are really nice, and come from a US manufacturer that has been making barrels and guns for a long time.

Also, for a "project" you may consider the 9MM Walther MPL barrels that we have in stock:







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I tried calling y'all when you had them on sale for $29 or $39 and could never get through. Isn't Mossberg the maker?


APEX has never had STEN barrels on sale.

I never had enough on hand at any given time to feel good about the stock level.

I won't get my second order until spring of 2019.


I do believe that O.F. Mossberg is the supplier of these barrels to all the retailers.

When I finally locate a copy of the British MoD print for the STEN Mark 5 barrel I can have those made as well.



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  • 8 months later...

I also have experience with one of the new made barrels from stenparts...same one linked in the first reply. I did have to make adjustments by minor sanding to get it to fit in the barrel bushing of my Taylor mfg tube gun (Mk2).


After taking care of magazine feeding issues and ejecting issues from other related parts, the new repro barrel works better than the barrel it came with. That may be due to the feed ramps of the chamber of the original barrel getting hammered to hell from the above mentioned issues.


+1 from me for the stenparts new made barrels.

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