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About BillinBama

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  • Location
    Fort Payne, Al
  • Interests
    Well, Guns of course, particularly WWII and sub-guns, sports cars, travel, reading, grandkids(8), charity work, swimming.

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  1. Update: I did a search and found his Facebook page, very dated with 2015 being the last post, but in a Google search I found the Malvern show FB page and a comment from June 5 of this year. Someone posted that Martin had retired as of May, so he's still around, just hung up his saw and hammer.
  2. I just filed five FOIA requests for info on four guns that now show as transferable plus one pre sample MP5 that doesn't, but I want to see what it shows. Now to wait.
  3. I have a number of Suomi mags I don't need, bought way too many for conversion to S&W 76 mags. I'll sell reasonably if there is interest.
  4. When did you submit the FOIA requests?
  5. Yes, let's hear from some successful transfers, or Tales of woe if they were denied. Gotta be several of these from folks who jumped at the chance to make a nice profit on a miracle gun.
  6. Just did a quick search to refresh my memory, the Thompson section of this forum has an old thread(2018) about their legal trouble, FWIW.
  7. Autoweapons.com is a very suspect site, they list literally a ton of MG's but people report trouble with their purchases. Buyer beware!
  8. I mailed in a Form 4 last September and this morning received approval via email, with the approved Form 4 attached. So no more forms returned with an actual stamp attached? I'm behind the times I guess.
  9. IIRC I sold my extra mags for $500 each several years ago.
  10. My latest efile is going on 50 days now, a suppressor and my customer is texting me every few days asking about it. It is "submitted in process" so I can't tell him anything else. Last one before that took 19 days. No rhyme or reason to how long they are taking.
  11. Well, I should have known this would come back to bite me. I did an efile for a customer on 4/18/24, telling him how quickly they were turning around, and so far, nothing. Two months and its still "submitted in process." Customer calls or texts me every few days asking about it. So they aren' t all going smoothly.
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